Once upon a time I used to hate 'home'. I dreamed, schemed and planned to move from 'home' and the time that I did move couldn't have happened fast enough. I moved out I was 24 years old, almost 2 1/2 years ago. For some that age maybe one that is quite old to still be living at home, for others I was so young daring to do so much at such a young age. I was not moving to a couple blocks away I was moving to a big city (which I had dreamed off for 12 years). I was getting an apartment all by myself and starting a spectacular new job in my field. It was quite a lot all at once. Yet I welcomed it all! I was excited to be finally rid of this little city where I grew up. I was excited to be moving onto a different chapter in life, I was excited to be on my own!
Now 21/2 years later, I love the big city that I live in. I love my new friends, my new family, my new life. Yet, in the pit of my throat there is this little knot that starts to tighten when I come home. I get all weepy eyed looking at the places where people knew my name. I see how things have changed so much in such a short amount of time. And of course, I miss my house.
This is the same house that I used to hate. It was always to small, to jewish, to far away from everything I wanted to do. The bathroom was always too cramped, the kitchen with not enough room and the t.v's that were too old. Now, with so little time past yet so much experienced gained, so much more seen in the world, and so much more understanding and shall I say 'wisdom' that has come I see my parents house for what it truly is, HOME.
I now come in to what was my room and love it. There is something to be said with the familiar smells of my room. It is so very good. Something that I have missed. I now see the bathroom and think "I can throw a party in here for at least 10 people, how is it that I used to think that it was so small?" Ahhh yes, wisdom and experience, the cure for teenage years and under appreciating your parents. Now, I think I get it. Though I think that if I write another blog entry in 21/2 more years it may be full of other wisdom that I have gathered, I guess only time will tell that.
With all that, here are some pictures of something that I've missed and love so very much. These veiews are so much different then those of my youth. This house was branned new when my parents bought it in 1995. It had no grass, no life. Here in 2008 it stands so mightly with so much grass, and life :-)
great post. I don't have that much attachment to my parents' house. Maybe it's because I live much closer to them. Maybe it's because of the negatives that I see when I come there (i.e. this and that not done, etc.). And though I don't dismiss all the connections that I have with my parents' place, I really appreciate the fact that I have my own place to live in and that I have a spouse who makes that place a home.
Going away for high school is a cure for teenage parent issues. Probably because they are not constantly in your face - trying to help you grow up.
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