Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Industry insider.

You do not need to be an industry insider to realize that gas prices are increasing and will not let up. The price of regular unleaded gasoline will get to $7, that is a fact, no use denying it. Americans in General (not the one person that you know that lives in a hut in Arkansas and eats only from their garden) in general, Americans live large, big cars, big houses, big meal portions. Everyone knows that the way the economy is going it is a great time to work hard, save, and downsize. Yet, what if the first two components are realistic but the third is not. There seems to be a trend going around of people with great intentions giving the worst possible advice! If you drive a van and you have three children, two in car seats, if someone recommends you get a Toyota prius that is a hybrid tell them where to go and explain to them in detail on how to get there. YES, America has to start downsizing. Yes, America has to start making changes; NO America does not have to get stupid! Obviously we live in a country where people are used to working and living in two separate areas. I would recommend for someone to find a job closer to home, commute by train, bus, bike. That would be a good recommendation, again if at all feasible. I would tell people to stop buying out the junk food isle at the grocery store and concentrate on making themselves and their families healthier by eating fruits and vegetables and not sweets, and greasy food. Again, it does not cost cheaper to eat healthier, but it will save you money in the long run, via staying healthier longer, and not spending extra money on extras like Oreo’s. I would say if there is any other mode of transportation to and from errands, work or fun that could be used, explore those methods. CARPOOL. Be neighborly if you are going to the grocery store and you live close to people, go together. These are just some Ideas of how not to rack up $70 gas bills.
As for people and their terrific advice of sell your van, buy a little car. To them I say “mind your business, and downsize your expenses the way you see fit, because I’ll downsize mine the way I see fit”.
THE PRICE OF GASOLINE WILL NOT DECREASE. The price of gasoline will only increase. The price of everything else will be directly affected and all goods and services will increase in price. There is no use in crying about it, or kvetching about it. Suck it up and start changing your life. Every other nation in the world has been paying high gas prices for years. America too will make it when prices will equal of those in Europe.


wrpn said...

It doesn't have to be that way Angry CJG. With good strategic planning, such as embracing offshore drilling and the AWR, and developing Hydrogen based cars we can avoid paying European prices for fuel. This is largely the platform of the only honest man running for President this year, Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party.

concernedjewgirl said...

There is no anger here, just truth. If you feel that any of your listed options will come true within the next 5 years then pat yourself on the back, but brace yourself for $7 a gallon for gasoline which will be the only thing that is used at least for the next five years or more. There are two parties that have the possibility of winning in the United States of America, Republican or Democrat, everything else is just nice...but a waste of a vote.

wrpn said...

The only wasted vote, All Know-It All CJG, is the vote that didn't show up at the polling station. As I told a member of my Bait Knesset, it is incumbent on us to vote for the candidate who represents our Core Values not whom pundits feel have a chance to win. Mother Teresa said it best: "We are called to be faithful, not successful!" Chuck Baldwin is on the ballot in my home state and he will have my unshakeable support this fall. Mind you he has a cool website.