Thursday, July 31, 2008


For all of those idiots in the world that think that Jews would be allowed to live in peace without the country of Israel please go ahead and read this article. I am always baffled by the amount of stupidity, and stupid trust that people have around the world. Can we the Jews not learn from our own history? Is it sacrilegious to realize that the minute we get a little to comfortable somewhere, something is just bound to happen? Well here is a little evidence, but have no fear more proof is coming.

Without Israel, Jews will not exist, even in America where everything ‘seems’ to be just peachy!

Update: July 1:50pm

G-d Bless America the Great!

Ironic that the American Press tries to push all of this news under the rug, and yet worries so much about how JUNIOR SENATOR OBAMA's trip to the middle east is going. Ironic.

1 comment:

wrpn said...

CJG-I'm afraid you are very ignorant. As strong as a Religious Zionist as I am, I do recite Hallel on Yom Hatzmaut & Yom Yerushalayim for instance, I know full well that Klal Yisrael survived the worst of calamities up to 1948 and would continue to do so if Medinat Yisrael vanished tomorrow!

Back in 1994 Charles Colson, on winning the Templeton Prize for Religious Achievement, said it best:

"When it is all said and done it's not who we are or what great things we do as a nation that determines our destiny but rather the power of G-d working in all of us."

So instead of being an alarmist or war monger pick up a Gmera or Chumash and receive that power from heaven. Youl'l feel better too. The Ramban does wonders in the way of facilitating Anger Management.