Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I’ve decided that no matter what, today I have to put up a post.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure what to write about. I have many ideas, and conflicting thoughts and they are one jumbled mess. So, to a lot of people’s disappointment this is just going to be one of “those” posts.
In preparations for Rosh Hashanah I’ve decided I want the house to be all done up. Meaning, the frames that my husband was so nice to hang up two weeks ago…I WANT TO PUT PICTURES IN THEM! I want all and I mean all of the frames that I wanted to put up for the last year to be UP! No exceptions. I want everything I don’t want thrown out and lastly I DON”T WANT CLUTTER! I maybe an obsessive little cleaner but I am not sure for whatever reason this have magnified 100 fold. I think it could be that I no longer have a job to keep my mind occupied with so while I am at work I think of all of the wonderful things I could be doing at home! I have been on a de-cluttering attack since we got back from Detroit. This weekend this peeked with me completely rearranging the guest bedroom….ah perfection (NOT). AND WHY is it not perfection, because I have not put up the pictures for that room! Oh, but wait I am so into this that I even want to attack the basement…possibly this weekend!
You see I really feel it’s because my family doesn’t visit enough. I need to get everything done the way that I want it before they come for Rosh Hashanah and then they won’t come back probably till next Rosh Hashanah so they won’t see any improvements that I do afterwards, so I feel like I need to rush all of the improvements into the next week an a half!
You may be thinking to yourself…how decorating can be such a monumental task for this girl. AND I answer with…ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
It’s not all about decorating! It’s about cleaning, organizing, cleaning some more it’s all about a house that you can eat off the floors and has no clutter.
Am I close to achieving that, well maybe? Yet, every time I walk into the office (the epitome of all things bad in the world of cleanliness) I feel as though it sets me back about 100%
Yet, I will try to persevere, I will try to improve, I will try ever so hard not to go crazy about it and realize…hey at least it’s better than some other people’s houses. Yet the bottom line remains: “If Rifki jumped off the bridge would you”? My answer was always no, therefore just because someone else is all cluttered and dusty does not mean that I have to be that way too!
On that note, I’m going to leave work and run 100 errands before Ice cream and dinner.
With two weddings on the horizon BEFORE ROSH HASHANNA! I urge everyone to stay tuned for much cooler posts to come…

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