Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Yes, I do have original thought...Well at least I think I do.

With all of the blogging articles that I've read about the Yishivish world and their inability to want to work I thought I would chime in...why not right?

On my latest visit 'home' I stopped by the local kosher food supermarket.

(SIDE NOTE) I truly do not believe that I am a racist. I work with people of all nationalities and beliefs and we all get along. (END SIDE NOTE)

Yet, when I walk into a KOSHER supermarket and don't know if its being held up by all the gangster looking thugs congregating near the cash registers I truly feel that this is a problem. I quickly realized that within the last 21/2 years since I've been gone and the last year since I've been inside this (the only all kosher supermarket) the employees have changed. The jobs that were occupied by frum women are now occupied by boys who look like thugs robbing the place. Maybe that has something to do with the location of this store. That is the dominant population of the area so I suppose hiring them to work in our store is okay. Yet, I just keep thinking none of the stores that I drive by that have the local population as the dominant user have any white, jewish, frum women working there. Nor do they have any notably jewish men working there. Is it just a case of discrimination from their part and us being the better nationality? Or maybe it is the fact that frum, jewish, women, feel that it is beneath them to work in a grocery store? Or maybe, just maybe the frum, jewish, women are tired of being overworked, under paid, and under appreciated? Or maybe its a nice combination of all the great reasons. In any way, I will no longer be so inclined as to visit this particular store and my family will not go either, Honestly I'm worried for their safety.

1 comment:

wrpn said...

Unfortunately, there is a great deal of laziness in the charedi world, which explains the cohort working at the "frum grocery store" you visited.